29 marts 2008

Mystery Light KAL, clue 1

I have just finished the first clue. If you click upon the photo you can see it full size.

It is knitted using Kauni 8/2 in rainbow colors. The skein of wool had rather a lot of knots but I have decided to like the bright colours, although they change somewhat abruptly because of the many places in which the wool was joined.

I am looking ever so much forward to clue 2!!

3 kommentarer:

Peggy sagde ...

Wow, your clue 1 is gorgeous. I love the way the colors are playing out.

Efwa - Medea sagde ...

Undrar över vad det polska sockmönstret heter.| Wonder what name the polish socks have?

Susanne Th. sagde ...

Kære medea
Jeg har prøvet at skrive en kort opskrift på sokkerne, som du forhåbentlig kan forstå?? Ellers må du skrive til mig igen, så kan jeg skrive på engelsk